Tuesday, 18 October 2011

More on coffee and cocoa

More on challenges facing the coffee and cocoa sectors.

From CIAT on impact of climate change on cocoa

By 2050, a rise of 2.3 degrees Celsius will drastically affect production in lowland regions, including the major cocoa-producing areas of Moyen-Comoe, Sud-Chttpand Agneby in Cote d'Ivoire, and Western and Brong Ahafo in Ghana. Farmers in these areas are particularly vulnerable since cocoa production is often their primary source of income.

"Many of these farmers use their cocoa trees like ATM machines," said CIAT's Dr. Peter Laderach, the report's lead author. "They pick some pods and sell them to quickly raise cash for school fees or medical expenses. The trees play an absolutely critical role in rural life."


Example from CIAT of Climate Smart Agriculture from a smallholder in Kenya

Film on its impact on coffee in Colombia

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