Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Shopping for shirts

Size 38s are cheaper than medium or large.

Yesterday I went to the sales to find some new shirts for work. In the two major chains here in Geneva the only shirts left were small size. Next time I will have to get to the shops on the first day of the sales.

Being a size 38 obviously appears to have its advantages at least in saving cash on the clothes budget. The first few days see medium and large sizes selling out leaving only small sizes. The retailer by then will be looking at the next round of reductions thus giving size 38s greater savings than for the rest of us.
This give small size purchasers plenty of time to browse at heavily discounted prices.

Which means that other than emergency buys, purchasers of size 38 have almost no incentive to buy outside the sales.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that seems to be the case...speaking as a smaller necked individual. but finding size 37, sale or no sale, can be a pain in the neck (ho ho)